
Wisteria is a generic macro for automatic materialization of typeclasses for datatypes composed from product types (e.g. case classes) and coproduct types (e.g. enums). It supports recursively-defined datatypes out-of-the-box, and incurs no significant time-penalty during compilation.


Getting Started

Given an ADT such as,

enum Tree[+T]:
  case class Branch(left: Tree[T], right: Tree[T])
  case class Leaf(value: T)

and provided an given instance of Show[Int] is in scope, and a Wisteria derivation for the Show typeclass has been provided, we can automatically derive given typeclass instances of Show[Tree[Int]] on-demand, like so,

Branch(Branch(Leaf(1), Leaf(2)), Leaf(3)).show

Typeclass authors may provide Wisteria derivations in the typeclass’s companion object, but it is easy to create your own.

The definition of a Show typeclass with generic derivation defined with Wisteria might look like this:

import wisteria.*

trait Show[T]:
  def show(value: T): String

object Show extends Derivation[Show]:
  def join[T](ctx: CaseClass[Show, T]): Show[T] =
    ctx.params.map { p =>
    }.mkString("{", ",", "}")

  override def split[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Show, T]): Show[T] = value =>
    ctx.dispatch(value) { sub => sub.typeclass.show(sub.cast(value))

The Derivation trait provides a derived method which will attempt to construct a corresponding typeclass instance for the type passed to it. Importing Show.derived as defined in the example above will make generic derivation for Show typeclasses available in the scope of the import.

While any object may be used to define a derivation, if you control the typeclass you are deriving for, the companion object of the typeclass is the obvious choice since it generic derivations for that typeclass will be automatically available for consideration during contextual search.


Wisteria is not currently able to access default values for case class parameters.